
Splashe was the very first drink ever manufactured in Vanuatu and has been the leading soft drink since 1972. Available in six flavors: Orange, Lemonade,Exotic, Grenadine, Lemon Squash and Pineapple. It is sold today in 350ml and 1.125L bottles. 

Historically Splashe was sold in glass bottles but after the damages caused by TC Pam in 2015 the bottling line was completely destroyed. The rebirth of Splashe was done through a brand new production line in 2018 that respects today HACCP standards and on the way for ISO qualification.

Splashe is distributed nationwide and has been a great contributor of sports to Vanuatu through giving back millions of Vatu towards sport associations like Football, Cricket, Rugby, Boxing, Beach Volley…

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